mardi, décembre 26, 2006

Noel à la cathedrale

La cathedrale etait decorée pour fêter noël, de maniere sobre et simple.

Christmas with the cathedral

The cathedral was decorated to celebrate Christmas, in a sober and simple way.

20 commentaires:

Kate a dit…

olivier, The simplicity is quite beautiful. Is this your church? It is very contemporary, and I can imagine how peaceful it must be to be there.

Edulabbe a dit…

Very nice and colorful decoration!
I hope you had a nice time on Christmas eve.
Greetings from Chile Olivier!

J. Andrew Lockhart a dit…

These are so clear --- I feel like I can touch them. Beautiful!

Anonyme a dit…

I would love to wander upon a scene like this. Lovely capture.

I hope you and yours happy holidays.

Keropokman a dit…

Great to see pictures of this cathedral again.

Anonyme a dit…

Bonnes fêtes Olivier et merci pour tes articles qui allient à merveille l'esprit sacré de Noël par ces belles photos de la Cathédrale d'Evry, avec le clin d'oeil républicain de la préfecture illuminée et, avec humour, la "marchandisation" des fêtes illustrée par le parking d'Evry 2. Il y a de la vie et de la joie dans ton blog... Merci et à 2007 !

~tanty~ a dit…

Very nice!

isa a dit…

Very minimal and zen-like feeling about this cathedral - just what I need right after the festivities!

I visited your niece's blog (can't sleep!)and found a photo I adore de 6 decembre 2006 - un panneau de pub sous la pluie á Paris - superbe!

P a dit…

j'aime bien cette sobriété... l'image me fait penser à un conte.. et pour les enfants y a pas une meilleur façon de leur approcher aux significations de la vie qu'à travers les rêves

Kris a dit…

the high ceilings are wower! not simple at all

Anonyme a dit…

There are no crowds. Do you have access ahead of time to take your photos?

GiuCe a dit…

a simple idea for a great decoration ^.^

Alex a dit…

Joyeux Noel Olivier!
Cette decoration depouillee mais coloree change des habituelles decorations de Noel. Tout comme mademoiselle p, je trouve aussi que le feuillage illustre l'atmosphere des contes.

Jazzy a dit…

hope you're enjoying festive holiday.

mi foto a dit…

Magnificas¡¡ un festival de colores, muy bellas.

Bill a dit…


Your comment of "je ne fais pas parti de ta famille" was translated as "I do not make party of your family". I took this to mean you were not "making fun" of my family, but then I could not figure out why I would think you were making fun of my family. Now you put a smile at the end, which tells me that my thinking may be wrong. Did you follow that? ;O)

So basically, I am not sure what you were trying to say in the first part of your comment on my post today.....

My guess is that if you don't read English, then what I wrote above will confuse most translation software and I am only going to confuse things more!

In any case, I was looking for a good excuse to learn French! :)

Thanks so much for all your posts on my site this year. I always look forward to reading them!


Annie a dit…

There are acoustical tiles all over this cathedral and I imagine that the sound of singing and music is very beautiful there.

It does look lovely, Olivier. Annie

Reflex a dit…

Pas besoin de plus, le vrai sens de la nativité.

Cergie a dit…

Ca c'est sur, elle est belle la cathédrale décorée.
En plus dans les églises ils ont la chance d'avoir en plus à cette époque un sujet en or et fédérateur: la nativité

Kimberley a dit…

what beautiful color you have captured here