Le Telethon à Evry (Evry est la ville du berceau du Telethon) Vendredi et Samedi, pendant 30 heures, sur le parvis de l'AFM, Il y avait de nombreuses activités et demonstrations. Le parrain de cette année etait Ladji Doucouré (Champion du monde du 110 m haies et Champion du monde du 4x100 mètres).
On pouvait faire ou voir : pont de singe, tir à l'arc, tracto man, ballade en poney, saut à l'elastique, cerf volant , football americain, defile de vieilles voitures ...............
1 249 200, c'est le montant en euros , des promesses de dons faites par les habitants de l'essonne. (Source le Journal "Le Parisien").
Telethon with Evry (Evry is the city of the cradle of Telethon) Friday and Saturday, during 30 hours, on the square of the AFM, There were many activities and demonstrations. The godfather of this year was Ladji Doucouré (Champion of the world of the 110 m hedges and Champion of the world of the 4x100 meters). One could make or see: bridge of monkey, shooting to the arc, tracto man, ballade in pony, jump with the rubber band, kite, American football, ravelled old cars ...............
1.249.200, it is it rising in euros, of the promises of gifts made by the inhabitants of the Essonne. (Source the Newspaper “the Parisian”).
16 commentaires:
I read your comments yesterday about stem cell research. The Australian parliament recently voted in favour.
The Prime Minister voted against, but the majority were in favour, despite objections of the religious.
That looks like a wonderful way to raise money for an important cause.
Cela ressemble à d'une atmosphère de partie à l'appui de bonnes causes. C'est plus que juste une exposition de télévision ?
It sounds like a party atmosphere in support of good causes. This is more than just a television show, right?
Hello Olivier,
I made my first visit your other web site. Now I know, where my time will
lapse to day :)
Have a nice time!
that's an impressive collection within a short time period, Great news and well done to the organiser :)
it seems to be very creative..I like the photos there
The occasion also looks like an old-fashioned small town fair. The weather looks perfect!
I'm happy to see that lycee students get involved too (last picture).
Good series of photos, Olivier!
Excellent, cette serie sur l'espoir du telethon. Tes photos sont belles et inspirantes!
Quelle bonne idee et cette photos, chouette!!
I hope they raised all the money they were going for. Looks like they were busy.
the last photo is so interesting!!
and i like those ads on the 4th photo.
shanghai daily photo
Ne me vire pas olivier, c'est moi Cergie ! Je suis obligée d'en passer par là pour commenter, c'est terrible !!!
Moi, en anonyme !
Vive Evry ! (essaie de dire ça vite dix fois de suite)
La reine des villes qui innove pour le meilleur !
Tu es fier de ta ville et tu as raison
Il a fait beau aujourd'hui: un jour sur deux !
Comme samedi pour le téléthon
Demain il devrait faire un temps épouvantable
Comme dimanche
Je suis en forme, là, on ne va pas pouvoir me museler comme ça !!!
bonne soirée olivier
great post Olivier.
thanks for your words... and support...
We had the chilean Teleton last week. It lasts more than 27 hours and it collected more than 11.000 millions pesos in all the country (about 16.935.437 euros), to treat disabled children.
It's a very noble cause.
A Wikipedia fact: "In Chile, the telethon is an event of national unity and is proportionally, the most widely watched telethon in the world."
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