à partir des années 1980, le quartier commence a se dégrader.
en France, c'est le début de la crise économique et les habitants du quartier des pyramides sont touchés par le chomage.
L'association des habitants se retrouve mise en cause et dissoute.
Vers 1995, le quartier va très mal : Violences et dégradations.
En 1997, on atteind la limite, avec l'assasinat d'un jeune, ce qui provoquera etat de siège et fermeture du quartier par la police.
Suite demain...
(cliquer sur l'image pour l'agrandir)

Black years:
as from the years 1980, the district starts has to be degraded.in France, it is the beginning of the economic crisis and the inhabitants of the district of the pyramids are touched by unemployment.
The association of the inhabitants is found blamed and dissolved.
About 1995, the district is very badly: Violences and degradations.
In 1997, one atteind limit, with the assassination of a young person, what will cause state of siege and closing of the district by the police force.
The continuation tomorrow….
(to click on the image to increase it).

Sur le square, on peut voir la sculpture "papa square" (où "bonhomme square") de Maella (1982). Statue en briques de 2.5m sur laquelle peuvent monter les enfants.
On the public garden, one can see the sculpture “dad public garden” (where “catch public garden”) of Maella (1982). Rule out of bricks of 2.5m on which can assemble the children.
19 commentaires:
Hi, Olivier
You've been taking some really interesting photos recently! Well done! I've been busy, but I'll try to stop by more often. Keep up the good work!
The sculpture is brilliant! And equally brilliant is the mural. the colours are fantastic! Great pictures Olivier! As you would say...superbe!
Quel contraste entre tes informations et la gaité des couleurs...Je ne me souviens pas si Evry a connu de nouvelles nuits d'émeutes l'an passé? Mais je reviendrai dès demain pour lire la suite qui me renseignera sûrement. Passe une bonne journée, Olivier.
ohh its sad that things turned bad there. I read your posts like a book nowdays...
from your photo, i gather everything is fine now. I really am fascinated by this unique structure !
that was quite a collection of photos you took in that gallery I saw on the link - the colors are simply beautiful and artwork is excellent!
Excellente cette statue avec son bouquet de fleurs... ainsi que cette colonne en peinture murale, avec tous les prénoms!
I love these pics, Olivier. Public art is always interesting to me.
Ainsi, qui a rendu tout propre et beau encore ? J'attends pour apprendre.
My eyes are immediately drawn to the murals. Great photos.
C'est une belle banlieue, très joyeuse
quelle chance d'avoir une si belle maison de quartier
Les fresques sont elles le fait d'artistes locaux, je me le demande, elles sont belles
merci pour vos visites sur mon blog.
Pour cergie, oui la fresque est faite par les enfants habitant le square, tu as la signature des artistes sur la deuxieme photo.
thank you for your visits on my blog.
For cergie, yes the fresco is made by the children living the public garden, you have the signature of the artists on the second photograph.
Wonderful sculpture and mosaic mural.
superb murals Olivier and the sculpture is looking great with the pot of flowers =)
great pics. at first glance, i thought that it is a fire place.
Wonderful photos you've taken here, Olivier... :D
Great shots!
Today (11/11) i've posted the 3rd Quiz on my DP. This quiz is special with an 'extended play time'. As you've played in the Circles...Circles (Quiz 2) I thought you might wanna know I have a third one coming up;)
Hope to see ya!
nice & colorful!
J'aime bien les peintures murales, une explosion de couleurs!
The brick sculpture looks much like the results from a fire in an old farm house, where only the chimney and fireplace remain. I am drawn to those sites. Great shot.
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