c'est le premier quartier construit dans la ville nouvelle.
Le quartier des pyramides c'est :
- 41.6 Ha de superficies.
- 3.500 logements.
- Environ 10.000 habitants.
- Il represente 1/5 eme de la ville d'Evry.
- Le quartier fut crée en 1971.
La suite demain...
(cliquer sur l'image pour l'agrandir)

The district of the Pyramids is a historical district of the new city of Evry.
it is the first district built in the new city.
The district of the pyramids it is :
- 41.6 ha of surfaces.
- 3.500 residences.
- Approximately 10.000 inhabitants.
- It represents 1/5ème town of Evry.
- The district was creates in 1971.
The continuation tomorrow…
(to click on the image to increase it).

15 commentaires:
These buildings look very 70's to me! LOL.
The statues in the picture in the middle have a "Gaudian" look.
Just a question Olivier: What does "APN" mean? (you wrote it in a comment in my CDPB).
Greetings from Chile
Hi Olivier! It looks like a wonderful district to me.
Thanks for visiting my blog so faithfully. I do appreciate it :)
What are the blue sculptures in your second photo? Are they pyramids?
Pour Edulabbe : APN est l'abreviation d'Appareil Photo Numerique.
Pour Denton : La sculpture bleue est une sculpture faisant partie de la place des miroirs (post demain) elle fait partie du quartier des pyramides, mais je n'arrive pas a trouver le nom de la statue et le nom de l'auteur. C'est le probleme des villes nouvelles, il n'est pas facile de trouver l'histoire.
Merci pour vos visites
For Edulabbe: APN is the abbreviation of Camera Numerical.
For Denton: The blue sculpture is a sculpture belonging to the place of the mirrors (post tomorrow) it belongs to the district of the pyramids, but I do not arrive has to find the name of the statue and the name of the author. It is the problem of the new cities, it is not easy to find the history.
Thank you for your visits
Tu connais un nombre de chiffres et de données sur ta ville, c'est incroyable, une vraie mine de renseignements!
i agree with edulabbe, its very 70s. But the elevated floors, the huge cement sign, that stone scupture (monument?) made up for it. I'm liking it!
these buildings and shapes are sooo unusual it reminds me of the interesting looking buildings in Spain and on the M.I.T. campus in Cambridge =)
1/5 of all Evry - that's a significant proportion.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, too.
that's a lot of flats...
like the graffiti in the first photo.
those are surely some interesting looking architecture :-)
Great place, art is around that district, I like when authorities know that cement is not the only thing that must grow in the city.
Greetings from a peruvian in Barcelona
Wow 41.6ha, sounds huge place to me....
the blue 'pyramids' (or are they not?) looks arty ;)
Olivier, I would like to invite you to my 2nd 'Circles....Circles...' - MR Sharp EYES DP quiz...pls see my post today;)
merci pour vos commentaires, c'est en effet une achitecture trés 1970.
Pour Kris, c'est une sculpture, mais je n'arrive pas a trouver le nom de la sculpture et l'auteur.
Bonne soirée a vous tous.
thank you for your comments, it is indeed a achitecture very 1970.
For Kris, it is a sculpture, but I do not arrive has to find the name of the sculpture and the author.
Good evening has to you all.
Wow. It's really something unique. The district is even older than me!
La sculpture bleue est intrigante, je me demande ce qu'elle représente.
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