mercredi, novembre 01, 2006

Something that is about to disappear soon : Calendrier éphéméride

Pour le théme du mois, voila mon calendrier éphéméride du 1er Novembre, qui ne vivra donc qu'une seule Journée.
For the topic of the month, veiled my tear-off calendar of November 1, which will thus live only one Day.

Today the DP Bloggers Theme Day is "Something That Will Soon Disappear".

24 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Great simple idea Olivier, good on you!

Jazzy a dit…

that's a good one, i like it.

Ham a dit…

un arrangement simple, mais effectif - une petit histoir dans le cardre.

Kate a dit…

Ah yes! There will never be another day exactly like November 1, 2006!

Edulabbe a dit…

Well thought Olivier!!!

Greetings from Chile

Annie a dit…

Il est vrai, ce jour sera bientôt fait. Le temps est éphémère. Annie

Sally a dit…

Olivier - that is so imaginative. Well done!

Eric a dit…

Very creative and true, Nov 1 2006 only comes once!

Ineke a dit…

Very original!

Zannnie a dit…

you are so soo creative, with this idea!:) i like your theme day post:D

Nathalie H.D. a dit…

Eh oui bien sur, cette page la sera roulee en boule et jetee a la poubelle. Je te souhaite un bon jour ferie!

Marie McC a dit…

Bonne idee! Tres creatif!

Paulo a dit…

Excellente idée :) Fallait y penser!

Irredento Urbanita a dit…

hehehe I really like it, so sensitive. Your image has a nostalgic touch.

Greetings Olivier

Lisi a dit…

Original, simple and very good idea, Olivier; the best on the theme I've seen so far!

Keropokman a dit…

Good one Olivier!

JaamZIN a dit…

Olivier it was a very smart idea:)

Anonyme a dit…

Just fireworks of your brain!

Kim a dit…

Olivier, comment intelligent de vous pour penser à votre agenda! C'est un grand poste pour notre jour de thème!

Olivier a dit…

Merci pour tous vos commentaires.

Thank you for all your comments.

Andreea a dit…

great idea indeed. i can only join in

Jenny a dit…

Both creative and beautiful - thank you for coming to my blog so often! (you don't have to translate your comments for me - I can read French, though not speak or write very well!)

Denton a dit…

Your right. November 1st is already gone in Europe. But it is still here in the US. A gradual disappearance over 24 hours.

Felicia a dit…

I was going to write something like Denton...we are still enjoying Nov 1 here in the US! Clever idea for the theme too!