La nuit européenne Franz Liszt. Concert somptueux dans un lieu magnifique.
Dans le cahier des charges de la construction de la Cathedrale, il etait prévu d'avoir une acoustique parfaite, et c'est le cas.
Comme interprete, il y avait trois premiers prix Franz Liszt :
Un chinois, Yingdi Sun (Vainqueur de la 7eme competition internationale Franz Liszt en 2005).
Un Russe, Elamar Gasanov (Vainqueur de competition internationale Liszt-Bartok en 2006).
et un Bulgare, Julian Gorus (Vainqueur la 7eme competition pour piano Franz Liszt en 2004).
(Cliquer ici pour voir la galerie photos)

Saturday afternoon, with the cathedral of evry, there was a concert.
The European night Franz Liszt. Sumptuous concert in a splendid place.
In the schedule of conditions of the construction of the Cathedral, it was envisaged to have perfect accoustics, and it is the case.
As interprets, there were the first three prices Franz Liszt :
Chinese, Yingdi Sun (Victorious of the 7th international competition Franz Liszt in 2005).
A Russian, Elamar Gasanov (Victorious of international competition Liszt-Bartok in 2006).
and Bulgarian, Julian Gorus (Victorious the 7th competition for piano Franz Liszt in 2004).
(to click here to see the gallery photographs)

16 commentaires:
Splendide !
that's a contemporary looking cathedral, you must have enjoyed the concert .
the acoustics must be fantastic! I can almost hear the pristine sound from just looking at your pictures.
Coucou! En allant et en revenant de l'est, je suis passée non loin d'Evry, mais on n'entendait que les voitures sur l'autoroute...Bonne semaine, Olivier.
great effort Olivier.
i haven't listened to the classic music for a while.
have a great week.
Brilliant pictures of a very impressive place. Nice work.
I listened to your videos between two classes..and it made me really relaxed. SO I hope now I will teach better:)
Wow - very interesting looking auditorium.
Amazing colour and texture. Well done!
The hall looks amazing. I attended a concert a few days ago.
L'acoustique doit être parfaite comme tu le dis bien :) C'est la même cathédrale avec les arbres sur le toît?
Stunning and very modern cathedrale!
Les bonus videos sont tres sympas. Cela nous permet de revivre et de participer presque en direct au concert. Merci
The concert hall is beautiful, so balanced and full of texture and contrast... NICE
very impressive - I like how you posted the google videos and the satin blue is marvelous!
What a wondeful way to spend an evening. I love the pictures where the pianist and piano appear in a black sillouete.
Voilà mon vœu exaucé..merci :)
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