Longtemps les New Yorkais se posaient la Question : Mais d'où vient et à quoi sert le Chrysler Building ?
Jusqu'au jour, où on trouva se film des années 1900, cela revolutionna l'aerospatiale Mondiale :
On appris en premier, que le Chrysler Building etait en verité une fusée et SURTOUT que l'on avait marché sur la Lune en 1900.
Et oui, le premier homme sur la lune, est un OURS : AMEDEE.
Pour la premiere fois au monde, voila ce film : Amédée astronaute.
It is Sunday and it is the day of the adventures of my teddy bear Amedee in New York.
A long time New Yorkais raised the Question: But from which comes and for what the Chrysler Building is used?
Until the day, where one found film of the years 1900, that revolutionized aerospace Mondial:
One learned in first, that the Chrysler Building was in truth a rocket and ESPECIALLY which one had walked on the Moon in 1900.
And yes, the first man on the moon, is a TEDDY BEAR: AMEDEE.
For the first time in the world, here is this film: Amédée astronaut.
22 commentaires:
wonderful post olivier. i hope you and amédée have a great Sunday.
Good Sunday morning ,you and your astronaut Amedee!
This post got me in good mood even in half sleep!
And I am wondering, how hard must have been flying with camera after Amedee as far as Moon and back! Are you safety at home now :) ?
wow! dont know how you did it, but cool effect!
Wonderful blog!!!!
that video is a great peace of history, wonderful.
have a nice sunday both, you and Amedee.
La musique, le montage, tout est genial la dedans. Excellent dimanche a toi Olivier!
What a work you put into your blog!
Is that an escher drawing btw?
Why I remember this Building?
It´s beautiful.
Your post is cute!
Olivier, You and Amadee must visit Felicia's blog today to see what she has posted. It will excite Amadee! And, I think that it is my duty to tell you about it!!
So France gave a Statue of Liberty to the Man on the Moon too? And here we through we were special :)
Hi Olivier, very happy Sunday to you and thank you for this lovely and whimsical (fantasque) post...it's a beautiful photo of one of my favorite buildings! (I lived in New York for many years, and for a short time worked near the Chrysler building!)
Interesting post -today as usual-
And your video again ...wonderful
I like the music toooooooooooooo!
wonderful to consume this very rainy Sunday morning, thank you for the share!
i miss the teddy bear! haha..
great video!
Et un 'trip' supplémentaire sur le blog d'Evry, un ! Bon dimanche à toi et à ton ours.
A quand la visite des congénères au zoo ?
Que d'imagination... Digne d'un Mélies... Well done!
Nice idea to include a video in your blog. It's fantastic! Really looks like an early 1900s film.
Conratulations to Amedee for his great acting!
You are so creative. Amedee must have had a great time on the rocket trip :)
What a delightful animation in the style of the early flight to the moon where the rocket hits the man in the moon's eye.
I too was pleased with the musical sound track.
I too viewed it early in the morning and was smiling through out.
Steve in sunny Chicago.
a google translation:
Quelle animation délicieuse dans le modèle du vol tôt à la lune où la fusée frappe l'homme dans l'oeil de la lune. J'aussi ai été satisfait avec la voie saine musicale. Je l'ai aussi regardée tôt le matin et souriais à travers dehors.
Paix, Steve Chicago ensoleillée.
Olivier, I love your bear's adventures. Vety whimsical. Perfect for a Sunday!
I always enjoy your New York weekends:)
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