mardi, février 06, 2007

Les 7eme Floralies à Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois : la maison abandonnée (3/10)

Ce vieux cabanon abandonné est la creation du Lycee d'enseignement general et technologie agricole bougainville.

This old abandoned cottage is the creation of the College of general education and agricultural technology bougainville.

15 commentaires:

Edulabbe a dit…
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Edulabbe a dit…

It's a nice motorcycle?, Bike?, Hybrid?
Celui ci est un jardin très spécial.

Anonyme a dit…

The old bike is perfect. Love the exhibit :)

Anonyme a dit…

Sympa, cette creation. Tiens j'aurais envie de marcher dans un énorme tas de feuille mortes et de les faire voler sous mes pieds !

photowannabe a dit…

Great example of abandoned place. i like the bkie especially. Good compositions.

Cergie a dit…

C'est pas un vieux cabanon abandonné, olivier. C'est un intermittent du spectacle déguisé en cabanon abandonné, nuance !
Ceci dit, j'adore récupérer des matériaux je me suis fait un composteur "vernaculaire" avec quatre palettes récupérées dans mon jardin. Et bien tu sais quoi ? Je trouve même que c'est très beau !
J'espère que tu as passé une bonne nuit et que tu as l'oeil plus frais aujourd'hui !
Saut mon pote !
(J'ai la forme moi, par contre !)

Cheltenhamdailyphoto a dit…

Love the old bike.

isa a dit…

There are even some spare tires for the bike! Very atmospheric photos, reminiscent of days gone by...

Anonyme a dit…

I enjoy very much the last three posts...good series, interesting material.
About taking photos of people in the street, I find an incredible beauty on these scenes, closer to the human soul,I wouldn't mind someone taking it to me, our image is not something we own, is something we share with others. To offer this images is precious, they are goods and remind us what is important in life...thanks

Anonyme a dit…

sorry: they are gods.they live in a world above us.

Ming the Merciless a dit…

Very authentic looking!! They did a great job making it look real.

Keropokman a dit…

yes i agree with ming.

cycling is the greenest form of transportation. it helps burn calories too!

Anonyme a dit…

Very nice shot Oliver. They did a great with making it look like you just walked into an old shed or somthing. I can almost smell the rustic old sents.

Jazzy a dit…

i love it Olivier, well done to the kids and to your shots.

Kimberley a dit…

I adore the poicture of the old bike! Its just great! the color makes it timeless.. GREAT