Portraits au carnaval Evry 2013.

Portraits at the carnival Evry 2013.

Si des parents, veulent que je retire des photos de leurs enfants, je le ferais tout de suite. de même Si vous apparaissez sur mon Daily Photo et que vous ne le souhaitez pas, un petit mail de votre part et je retire votre photo.
14 commentaires:
I love the smile in that first photograph.
Salut Olivier.
Alors là, c'est beaucoup moins coloré...lol
Passe un bon weekend A + :))
Le noir et blanc s'eclatent!
Many interesting faces here.
ILs ont du bien s'amuser OLivier
tu reviens quand Olivier
nice photos
Great portraits!
Well done!
such lovely portraits.
you must have had great fun taking them.
A great selection of carnival photos!
Awesome portraits in black and white. They pulled me in immediately and made me think about carnivals and all the wonderful things and people you see. These are fantastic. genie
Such wonderful portraits!
Je viens te dire bonsoir Olivier
Dear Olivier: I hope that you are recovering and will soon be back active on the blog.
These portraits are priceless...esp. that last one! Great job!
wonderful portraits.. specially love the 1st and 3rd captures..
~ Wild Blooms in B&W
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