Le spectacle proposé par la compagnie Retouramont était tellement superbe, que cela valait bien un deuxième post.
La soirée, s'est terminée par un feu d'artifice (mais tellement court, que le temps que je change d'objectif, il était déjà fini).
Voilà, une très bonne journée de fête à Évry

The spectacle proposed by the Retouramont company was so superb, that that was worth a second post well. The evening, ended in a fireworks (but so short, that time that I change objective, it was already finished). Here, a very good day of festival in Évry

Voir le site internet de la Compagnie Retouramont
Suite de la galerie des photos.....(Continuation of the gallery of the photographs .....)
18 commentaires:
Un très bon travail du photographe et les artistes très á risque, je magnifie.
Olivier had you not posted the distant shots, I wouldn't have had any idea what I was viewing.
Excellent photos....although it looks a bit dare-devilish for me!
Have a nice weekend!
On dirait que ces hommes sont de petites notes de musique colorées sur partition ouvertes en parchemin
Bon week end olivier donc. Moi je prends des vacances. Je reviens après le ouik end de paques!
Bon, tu t'entraines pendant le weekend et lundi, tu nous fais le spectacle?
Merci pour tous tes belles photos cette semaine. C'était vraiment un superbe fête à Evry.
Thanks for all of your beautiful photos this week! It was really a wonderful celebration in Evry. We've all enjoyed it through your photos!
They all look like Supermen - I hope Doctor Octopus was not lurking around ;-)
I loved you comment on my blog - if you can take a photo of that offensive mosquito, I will add you to our creepy crawly club!
Bon week-end!
Bon week-end Olivier!
I told you yesterday, but i have to say it one more time! this is such a great show! Really impressive!!
they're very brave people.. don't you think so?
I was thinking these guys are more like Spider Men. Excellent photos!
how weird. i thought they were little plastic model people on a model building. great shots oli!
Superb photo and a very brave action. Have a good weekend Olivier!
Sure looks superb. Sorry I missed the last post. Greetings from Holland.
the one with b/w background is stunning!
Yes, it looks like you had a great festival and fun!
Have a nice weekend, too.
Que c'est chouette!
Tes photos rendent bien la magie et l'exploit.
J'ai aussi pensé à des notes sur une extraordinaire partition...
Bonne fin de week end à toi aussi :)
Olivier, great job!
Ah, Olivier, now I understand how to combine multiple images into a single frame that will show as one picture on the DCPB thumbnails. These are wonderful photos. A Saturday without television would be unthinkable to most American. Your talent continues to impress me. Nice work with available lighting, by the way.
Merci pour le reportage ! Beau travail l'artiste !
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