La compagnie Retouramont : un spectacle époustouflant, impressionnant et magnifique. (La compagnie Retouramont est sans aucun doute la plus célèbre et la plus active dans le domaine de la danse escalade). Elle nous a proposé un spectacle de danse verticale sur la façade de la cathédrale d'Évry, je n'avais jamais vu cette troupe et vraiment totalement impressionné.

The Retouramont company: a amazing spectacle, impressive and splendid. (The Retouramont company is without any most famous doubt and most active in the field of the dance climbing). It proposed a spectacle of vertical dance to us on the frontage of the cathedral of Évry, I had never seen this troop and really completely impressed.

Voir le site internet de la Compagnie Retouramont
«Vide accordé»
«En regardant le mur je vois une phrase, une danse, un cercle. En regardant le ciel, le ciel grand, nu, élargit tous mes muscles. Je le regarde de tout mon corps.»
“Vacuum granted”
“By looking at the wall I see a sentence, a dance, a circle. By looking at the sky, the sky large, naked, widens all my muscles. I look it of all my body. »
Cahiers Paul Valéry / Gallimard
28 commentaires:
wow! this is amazing too!!
you're so lcky to be as a witness opf these great shows!
Have a nice day there too, Olivier!
uhm, I think I have to re-write this... sorry...
I said you're sooo lucky to attended such an amazing show! It has to be very exciting!
Seeing this would be very memorable. I would be nervous and excited and frightened. I would pray no one would fall. I would talk about the performance for hours afterwards.
Olivier, I wanted to tell you that I think you have a wonderful poetic talent. It isn't easy to write a poem that reads well in two languages.
Amazing show and you took great pictures of the act. I always enjoy your blog.
It have been a huge show to look at.
and thanks to you, we can enjoy also about it.
Have a wonderful spring time!
Great Photos. The first one took me a while to figure out what I was looking at. I love the effect it produces.
Ca alors, qu'est ce qu'on va devenir si tu fais pas le tour du monde ?
Tu es des fois en clientèle, bon, c'est bien. Je croyais que tu faisais toujours la fête, que tu étais toujours de spectacle
J'aime ces manifestations spectaculaires et l'appropriation de ce bâtiment religieux qui participe ainsi de la vie de la ville
T'as pas une photo de tes clients ? Ils sont beaux ? Ils savent faire la toupie sur la tête ?
i really like the collage! the show IS spectacular
never saw dance climbing, nice pictures
Je n'avais jamais entendu parler d'un pareil spectacle!
Wow! I've never heard of this but it looks brilliant.
love the shots, very interesting.
Spectaculaire, c'est genial!
Et même s'ils ont un schéma de base je suis sûre qu'ils doivent à chaque fois adapter le spectacle à chaque façade. C'est fabuleux et c'est une super idée
Merci d'avoir fait le photo-reporter pour nous. Tu vas nous faire regretter de ne pas habiter Evry.
Bon tu étais en déplacement, t'es pas passé par la gare du nord hier par hasard ?
La aussi, il y avait du photo reportage à faire, je crois !
Bon, bonnes ventes !
Comme ça tu pourras t'acheter plein de bouquins, plein de musique et plein de voyages à NYC !
I'm completely amazed! I've never seen anything like this. It must have been wonderful to see it in person.
It's a good thing the rain stopped or it might have been slippery. Thanks for these fabulous photos!
Another fantastic event! I love looking at them through your eyes!
And a small request...more photos of your mayor! he's GORGEOUS.
Never saw such a spectacle - never heard of scaling dancers!
Thanks Olivier, for bringing us the photos, the poem and the music to complete our experience ;-)
Great photos of an unusual event!
Thanks for showing this.
Je suis desole, mais je ne parle pas Francais bien et mon clavier d'ordinateur est en anglais seulement. J'ai visite la France beaucoup de fois et j'aime votre pays. Ma ville a ete fondee par deux explorateurs français, Pierre Laclede et Auguste Chouteau, en 1764.
The first picture collage has great composition but I would cut the larger picture at the bottom, leaving six, or better four, of the smaller images. That gives the combination of images a wonderful rhythm, reflecting the dance.
Very nice photo. It looks like Cirque du Soleil.
wow... shots are great and the event looks very original!
dance climbing? I'd never heard of such a thing, what a brilliant idea
L'idée est géniale, cette rotonde de briques a relief, quelle animation, et le jeux de lumière.
And now this! Amazing! I thing I have to move to Evry as soon as possible!
Great shots too!
You have some really interesting events in Evry. This looks spectacular and reminds me a little of one of the dance routines in Notre Damede Paris.
Great photos and interesting info--again. Finally got to see your site (thanks for fixing it!). Sally's comment is interesting, too--her and her comments about your neighbor, and mine on another blog about gondoliers!!
Have a good week-end, Olivier!!
Fantastic acrobatics!
Blather From Brooklyn
Magnifiques photos! Quel spectacle!
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