Suite de l'inauguration sur la place des droits de l'homme et des citoyens, et coup de chance, la pluie s'était arrêtée.
Un concert très explosif des Tambours du Bronx (Groupe de percussions sur des fûts métalliques). Ils sont 17 sur scènes : Il y a 14 bidons sur scène, 2 musiciens aux stands à samples, et 1 à l'électro et deux chanteurs.

Continuation of the inauguration on the place of the human rights and the citizens, and stroke of luck, the rain had stopped. A very explosive concert of the Drums of Bronx (Group of percussions on metal drums).
They are 17 on scenes: It there A 14 cans on scene, 2 musicians with the stands with samples, and 1 with electro and two singers.

Les Tambours du Bronx 'Big Hands'
Suite de la galerie des photos.....(Continuation of the gallery of the photographs ....)
Site Internet des Tambours du Bronx
17 commentaires:
Did you heart race? Drumming always excites me.
These are a wonderful performance pictures, professional quality. Do you, in fact, work as a professional photographer?
I grew up in New York City and went to secondary school in the Bronx. It is doubtful that all of the people in your new pictures are actually from the Bronx. They look to be all white, no black or Hispanic faces.
I looked at some other New York pictures on your website. The black and white photos are particularly good. How did you get that airborne shot of the Statue of Liberty?
Just set up my photo blog a week ago so I'm very new at this.
These are some fantastic concert shots Olivier! You could easily go on tour with this band as their Publicist!
That looks like a wonderful concert. A bit loud I'm sure but good none the less. Fantastic pictures.
I bet this was REALLY loud! :)
Je les ai vu une fois à Paris, le son des tambours est vraiment incroyable, et j'en ai encore la chaire de poule en y repensant !
That looks like fun! (and loud!)
looks like very explosive concert, again very well documented Olivier.
Mon fils (un de mes deux fils) étudiait les percussions au conservatoire et on avait été écouter "Stomps" à la cigale
C'était génial
Les percussions c'est drôle car il y a aussi des partitions pour elles et une notation spéciale !
Tu en fais des choses qd tu te reposes le ouik end, olivier
Reminds me of "Stomps" too...
You did an excellent job of documenting the concert! I am sure it was very explosive and exciting, but it is much toooo early for me to listen to it - I'm not awake yet ;-)
Pour Annie : le son des tambours fait en effet monter le coeur
Pour lavender lady : non je n'avais pas de boules quies, comme on etait sur une grande place, le son etait bien reparti et cela n'etait pas si assourdissant que cela
For Annie: the sound of the drums indeed makes assemble the heart.
For lavender lady: not I did not have earplugs, as one was on a great place, the sound had set out again well and that was not if deafening that
Belles photos, elles ont vraiment capturé l'esprit du concert. J'aime surtout la première au lumière rouge. Le concert que tu nous montres aujourd'hui est un peu différent que celui de hier!
Beautiful photos, they really capture the spirit of the concert. I especially like the first one with the red light. The concert you are showing us today looks a bit different than yesterday's. (Sorry if this posts twice, the last one just disappeared.)
Thanks for sending these pictures and songs. You are lucky you can watch so many concerts and happenings. I love this bund.I wish I could be there.
A very lively and colourful event Olivier, nicely captured.
South Shields Daily Photo
wow, Olivier!
Your pics are just amazing! It should be an evening unforgetable!
I love drums.. they just go at the bottom of my heart and bit it faster!
La c'est du décibel haute pression et du grand spectacle ! Encore une fois tes photos sont une merveille!
Ils ont bien fait les choses pour les droits de l'homme à Evry !
Superb photos! It resembles the off-Broadway show, STOMP!
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