Arthur H 'La Tour Eiffel Sidérale' ( the sidereal Eiffel Tower )
J'attends que la Tour Eiffel décolle
Que fait donc posée sur ses pieds
Cette belle fusée qui s'ennuie
J'attends que la Tour Eiffel décolle
Que fait donc posée sur ses pieds
Cette belle fusée qui s'ennuie
J'attends que la Tour Eiffel décolle
I wait until the Eiffel Tower takes off
That thus made posed on its feet
This beautiful rocket which am bored
I wait until the Eiffel Tower takes off
That thus made posed on its feet
This beautiful rocket which am bored
I wait until the Eiffel Tower takes off

En revêtant l'habit de lumière
Je me prépare pour l'heure H
J'attends sans peur que l'on arrache
À l'atmosphère la princesse de fer
Je me prépare pour l'heure H
J'attends sans peur que l'on arrache
À l'atmosphère la princesse de fer
By adorning the bullfighter's costume
I for the time being prepare H
I wait without fear until one tears off
With the atmosphere the iron princess
I for the time being prepare H
I wait without fear until one tears off
With the atmosphere the iron princess

Ah! tous les deux au balcon du premier étage
Main dans la main nous rirons des orages
Magnétiques qui secouent les planètes
Puis nous nous baisserons pour éviter les comètes
Ah! both with the balcony of the first Main
stage in the hand we will laugh at the magnetic storms
which shake planets
Then we will bend down to avoid comets
Main dans la main nous rirons des orages
Magnétiques qui secouent les planètes
Puis nous nous baisserons pour éviter les comètes
Ah! both with the balcony of the first Main
stage in the hand we will laugh at the magnetic storms
which shake planets
Then we will bend down to avoid comets

La Tour Eiffel portera les couleurs
Éternelles et sacrées de la Patrie
De notre pays rayonnera la splendeur
Au fin fond des espaces infinis
The Eiffel Tower will carry the Eternal
colors and crowned Fatherland
Of our country will radiate splendour
At the fine bottom of infinite spaces
Éternelles et sacrées de la Patrie
De notre pays rayonnera la splendeur
Au fin fond des espaces infinis
The Eiffel Tower will carry the Eternal
colors and crowned Fatherland
Of our country will radiate splendour
At the fine bottom of infinite spaces

La Tour Eiffel dans le ciel
La Tour Eiffel sidérale
The Eiffel Tower in the sky
the sidereal Eiffel Tower
Arthur H
La Tour Eiffel sidérale
The Eiffel Tower in the sky
the sidereal Eiffel Tower
Arthur H
Voila, j'avais envie de faire un détour par la Capitale et voir la Tour Eiffel Sidérale d'Arthur H.
I wanted to make a turning by the Capital and to see the sidereal Eiffel Tower of Arthur H.
I wanted to make a turning by the Capital and to see the sidereal Eiffel Tower of Arthur H.
Je vous souhaite un bon Weekend et à Lundi
I wish you a good Weekend and at Monday
I wish you a good Weekend and at Monday
30 commentaires:
This is a great tower and such nice selection of pictures. Have a good weekend.
Fan de la Tour Eiffel comme une provinciale et fan d'arthur H comme... une fan, déjà, de son père :)
Bon week-end !
Such a beatiful and well known tower. I hope you have a great week end as well.
Oh, how I want to go back to Paris!
Wonderful photos of a beautiful city. Oliver have a restful weekend.
My daughter traveled to Paris with my parents and she bought a little Eiffel Tower. It has graced our home ever since. She remembers her pleasure at being there, climbing high.
C'est toujours un plaisir de croiser cette vieille dame. Bon week end, Olivier!
Une fois tu me diras et on ira faire ensemble un "safari photo" à Paris ! Tu as profité du beau temps toi aussi, hier, finalemnt Paris est pas si loin de chez moi. D'ailleurs j'y vas aujourd'hui de ce pas.
La dernière fois que j'ai photographié la grande dame il faisait un temps épouvantable et ça lui allait moins bien au teint !
(Tu t'es trouvé un bon scénariste dis donc aujourd'hui !)
Beautiful pictures of the famous tower. Have a very nice weekend Olivier!
the ever wonder eiffel.
i remember standing below it and water was dripping down. hmmm wonder what water it was ;-)
have a good weekend...
Memoires de la Tour Eiffel!!
Bon week-end!!
the composition with gold statue is my fave. Like that a lot!
Who doesn't love the tower?? Thanks for your photos, Olivier, so that I can relive my far-too-few trips to Paris, which is my favorite city in the entire world!
Your photos of this famous tower gives memories for everyone, who has ever been there.
Thank you for giving possibilities for that.
Wonderful weekend to you!
oh...nice series!!
and i like that gold statue one too.
shanghai daily photo
La Tour Eiffel a décollé enfin et l'a débarqué à Evry?
Thank you for that trip down memory lane - when we lived in the 7th, we used to walk our golden there every afternoon...
Bon week-end!
Formidables photos et non pas moins formidable monument...quand sa construction arrivait à sa fin, la Presse, mettait à la UNE , désormais Paris va vivre dans l'ombre de la Tour Eiffel, quelle erreur, puisque la tour Eiffel partiticpe à la vie de Paris, même de la France.
Les mêmes anneries sont ressorties pour Beaubourg, et c'est aujourd'hui une véritable réussite, point de vue touristique.
Merci pour ces beaux panoramas
Merci à Oliver
Jack Saban
Olivier what a beautiful series by which to close out the week.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ces photos sont spectaculaires. Tu nous as donné une visite si gentille à Paris par tes belles images. Je juste ai écouté ton radio blog hier pour le premier fois. J’ai aimé la music là! Tu as tant de choses gentilles dans ton blog. Merci et bon weekend!
(What I tried to say in French)
These photos are spectacular! You gave us such a nice visit to Paris through your pictures. I just listened to your radio blog yesterday for the first time. I loved the music there! You have so many nice things on your blog. Thank you and have a great weekend!
Oh, a friend of mine came from Paris two days ago, and she shows me today her pics... oh Paris, isn't it beautiful? I was there for a couple of days in my France tour 3 years ago and it was sooooo amazing!
I wish i could come back soon! But I want to be in lot of places i don't know yet so I think Paris should wait a little bit!
Here's a funny story for you: a man who lives close to the Eiffel Tower is trying to buy my partner's business. He is salivating and dreaming of moving to Maui....and yet for others, Paris is the best! :-)
All the photos are fabulous!! I love the ones showing the foot of the Eiffel.
Hi Olivier!
Great series!
you're the best Olivier!!!
Diferent compositions with the Eiffel Tower is a great serie, details and viewes no known...
music is a good election, it helps to be there, inside the pics ^^
you've made something that's been photographed billions of times look unique. you have done a wonderful job framing such a famous monument to make it again look special
very nice composition and the music with this french performance brings a special athmosphere to the post!
Ah chess! It's nice that the mall allowed a set to be placed there even if it might distract shoppers from shopping.
C'est encore plus chouette avec la belle voix d'Arthur :))
Really fabulous shots. I love Paris!
La photo est très belle, bravo !
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