http://evry-daily-photo.blogspot.com/Calendrier Evry 2012 : Pour le mois de Juillet, un petit coup de Fisheye dans la Cathédrale de la résurrection d'Evry.
Evry Calendar 2012: For the month of July, a little bit of Fisheye in the Cathedral of the Resurrection in Evry.
20 commentaires:
Great architecture and a great image!
I beg your forgiveness for my cutting and pasting my comment, but there was no way on Earth I would be able to make it around the whole globe to wish everybody a Merry Christmas otherwise.
The magical elves that constitute my staff have demonstrated their lack of respect in either not showing up for work at all, or those that have all seem a little worse for wear (if you catch my drift). All they seem to do is sit around smoking cigarettes that, frankly, smell funny. In addition, they play cards and tell dirty jokes rather than do their jobs! Consequently, the reindeer are all filthy and out of shape.
Despite my best efforts, the couple of chooks, arthritic wallaby and three peculiar wombats that I’ve drafted in just don’t cut it as replacements.
Anyway, all the way down here at the bottom of the world (A.K.A. Tasmania), and from myself, Jen, Henry and Ezra, please have a Merry Christmas/ Winter Solstice/ Summer Solstice/ Hanukkah/ Festivus/ Ashura and a happy New Year!
I hope that all of your holiday photos turn out to be triumphs, your stocking is stuffed full of lots of tasty treats and not coal and that all your pumpkin pies/ prawn cocktails/ currywurst are all as tasty as can be!
Trés belle photograph Olivier! V
It looks so grand!
Une belle unité de couleurs.
C'est beau comme ça tout en rondeur !
J'adore cette lumière Olivier
OUI J'aime aussi ces couleurs le calendrier est sublime
Le mois de juillet donc c'est le mien
et dire que c'est un Suisse qui l'a pensée. :-))))))
Bon je suis chauvine. C'est un Français qui la photographie et il fait cela très bien. Vive la France, la Suisse et le vin blanc et de belles fêtes à toi. A bientôt
Magnifique, Olivier.
Les mois passent vite chez toi.
Le truc à droite du crucifix, est-ce pour fixer un panier de handball?
A little bit of 'fisheye' is excellent Olivier and also the precise composition make a very appealing image. J'espère que vous et votre famille ait un Noël merveilleux.
the fish eye lens is so great for this space, Olivier!
Geometrically takes the eye away. Beauty!
This is one of my favorite photos, Olivier! It is so well done - perfect symmetry; great colors; wonderful lighting.
May you have a wonderful holiday and a healthy and prosperous New Year!
superb work!!
Wouahhh, une prise vraiment magnifique Olivier !
Elle est tellement pure cette photo que j'aimerais bien discretement percer l'ecran et venir m'asseoir quelques instants sur l'un de ces bancs...
«Louis» has wondered what the interior of this cathedral looked like.
The interior of the cathedral is as beautiful as the exterior, and so warm with all the wood.
I hope you had a lovely holiday season, Olivier. Wishing you a beautiful new year too!
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