lundi, mai 07, 2007

En memoire du chef de gare

en mémoire de mon oncle Jean.

"Demain matin
j'irai dans cette gare
boire un bon verre de vin
... et voir passer les trains"

in memory of my uncle Jean.

"Tomorrow morning
I will go in this station
drinking good wine glass
… and to see passing the trains"

En hommage : 'Le dernier train'

Chemin de fer du haut quercy

21 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Sympas l'hommage à tonton, tu as eu une bonne idée.

Keropokman a dit…

I am sure he was a magnificent man.

glad you are back after 1 week.

angela a dit…

Good to see you back.
That's a lovely photo...and a touching hommage.

Ming the Merciless a dit…

Welcome back!

I took some photos of art work by Warhol and Lichtenstein, and I thought about your photos.

Peter a dit…

Happy to see that you are back. Expect to again find exiting pictures, photos, text ... and music

~tanty~ a dit…

Glad to see you're back. I like the way you frame this lovely photo.

Sab a dit…

Hi there from... Paris! Yes, just down the road.

It's funny for me to see your pictures because I worked at the Chambre de Commerce in Evry for a while and seeing your funny cathedral brought back memories.

You're experimenting with lots of different styles of photography, which is good and will help you develop your style, much like a painter. Keep it up, and all the best from Paris!

Gudl a dit…

Welcome back!

That is beautiful. Your uncle would have liked it.

Nathalie H.D. a dit…

Welcome home Olivier, tu nous as manqué !

Cet hommage est de qualité, comme l'ensemble de ce que tu fais.

Anonyme a dit…

hello Olivier,
this is a wonderful gesture for your uncle and nice photo!

Anonyme a dit…

Beautifully done, Olivier.

Thank you for visiting my blog yesterday and for your comments about my Rose-Breasted Grosbeak. I am into architecture today with the Brookville Community Theatre.

isa a dit…

Nice tribute, Olivier...

Welcome back - we've missed you!

Lori a dit…

Un beau tribut à ton oncle et une belle photo de lui aussi. Nous sommes très heureuse que tu es revenue. Welcome back.

Olive a dit…

Very beautiful tribute Oliver! Glad you're back!!

Anonyme a dit…

Your tribute is very nice. I think wine, trains, and photos are a wonderful way to remember a loved one.

Anonyme a dit…

Très bel hommage à un oncle - sur une photo sépia, toute emplie du charme du passé.

Kate a dit…

Everyone is pleased that you're back. Hope it was a pleasant vacation. I like the tribute to your uncle. It seems like it is a wonderful thing to do!

Anonyme a dit…

Tu sais, en regardant encore ta photo, je trouve que ton oncle Jean ressemble a mon pere au meme age...

Anonyme a dit…

Beaucoup de tristesse j'imagine ... Bel hommage, et de tout coeur avec toi.

Cergie a dit…

Comme c'est touchant...

Hier j'étais au cimetière d'Auvers et sur les tombes il y a souvent des photos passées (et du passé)
On se dit : mon dieu, si jeune, quel âge aurait-il aujourd'hui ?
Je pense à marylin monroe, james dean et gérard philippe qui jamais ne vieilliront

Nous allons garder une image de ton oncle Jean jeune et beau

Et quel métier pretigieux celui de chef de gare qui commande aux énorme trains d'un souffle, d'un coup de sifflet

Pod a dit…

who are they monsieur?